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Flauschiger Teppichläufer

Normaler Preis $45.00
Stückpreis  pro 
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Dekorieren Sie Ihr Wohnzimmer oder Schlafzimmer, Flur oder Küche mit diesem originalen bunten Boho -Stil Runner Teppich, Wählen Sie den Stil und genießen Sie eine hohe Qualität und kostenlose Lieferung!

BesuchSmartishhouse Online -Wohnkulturladen für Bereich R.Unner Sie werden zu guten niedrigen Preisen lieben!

Material: Baumwolle

Größe in cm: 60 x 160; 60 x 180

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Rodrick Bergstrom

Product is not as vivid as the photo but still good. The free shipping option was delivered to Japan after 24 days.

Leonel Hickle

It is very soft. The colors are not as vibrant as shown in the photos. The colors on the actual rug are a little lighter and since only the top of the threads are colored, the base of the threads are white so the color looks a bit sparse. But, for the price, it is not bad. I ordered 40x120. Mine is more like 40x116cm. But it is ok.

Berenice Shields

Came quickly, soft, beautiful, purchase is happy

Cody Jacobs

Fluffy Carpet Runner

Eliza Connelly

In life, not as bright bright colors as in the photo